Monday, September 22, 2008

Bill's home :)

Whoo hoo! Bill is home from SA! I am happy to have him back, my buddy...
Though it is amazing to be back together, we need your prayers. We believe Bill was bit by 2 South African ticks that have maybe burrowed into his skin. He is experiencing extreme pain, fatigue, nausea, feaver, chills, muscle tightness, etc. We went to the Dr today and he got on an antibiotic and had blood work done to see if he has Lyme Disease or another kind of South African feaver. Please pray, as he is someone who never complains, to see him down is tough because I know it means he is really suffering.
After examining Bill, the doc also thinks Bill has a hernia, which almost makes it too painful to walk. Thanks for supporting us through your love and prayers. We have an ultrasound tomorrow and hopefully will have the blood tests back tomorrow as well.


JohnsonFamily said...

Hey Bill and Julie,
We will definitely be praying for your health Bill!!!! Please keep us posted/updated!

Also, any new baby news?

Love you guys so much!

Unknown said...

Side note:

The picture album that flashes on the side of the page showed a picture on a rez. I spend my summers on the Crow rez; which tribe is in your pictures?
