Monday, November 24, 2008

Redistribute...there is enough

We live in a world today where there is enough. Enough clothes, medicine, food, clean water and hope. Hope is a word that implies things will be better tomorrow than they were today, and the reality is that for the majority of the world, tomorrow will not be any better than today.
We want to invite you to join us on this journey of redistribution. Redistribution is the opportunity to not add to your budget or expenses, but rather to reassign your resources. God is freeing the world from consumerism and poverty at the same time. Let us participate in that freedom that Christ desires to bring.
The kingdom of God always looks like Jesus and those who follow Jesus believe in the hope of freedom for the captives and justice for the oppressed. We can make a difference no matter how small or insignificant it may appear. We are inviting you to be a part of this good news this Christmas season.
The Redistribute catalog is designed as a launching place for redistribution. What you’ll find inside are six Common Ground partners who are making a local and global impact. We invite you to join them in this journey of redistribution. As you begin your gift buying and giving, consider committing some of your resources to engage the injustices of our day and to distribute some Gospel hope in a very tangible way.
please click here to redistribute