Sunday, February 24, 2008

DR congo

If you have some time to watch a couple of videos, here are a few about the DR Congo, the first video is Angilina Jolies journal when she went to the DRC in 2003; her journal is now displayed at the holocost museam in Washington DC. The second video is a cartoon about what happens to children as a result of the war in the DRC as they become Child soldiers. (To learn more about child sholdiers "memoirs of a boy soldier" is a great way to understand what these child soldiers go through from a first hand account of a boy forced into the rebel army.)

So, now what do we do? The following websites give some action steps to take to help the forgotten crisis in the DRC. I think the first thing we must do is become educated and advocate for the DRC. Check out the following web addresses for action steps such as signing petitions. Also, check out the couple of web addresses on the right hand collum of my blog to get involved as well.