Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Our friends, the Ott's, have just brought their son, Joshua, home from the DRC! Joshua was in the same orphanage our child will come from, he is about 19months old. It is amazing to hear how well he is connecting with them and how well he seems to be adjusting. It is amazing to see little Joshua, he is BEAUTIFUL! My heart actually feels an achy joy as I look into little Joshua's deep brown eyes knowing he is getting ready to be loved in a way he has never known before, and as I see the pictures of the day he physically became someone's son.
Yet, what is most beautiful of all is the Ott's story about bringing Joshua home. It is beautiful to experience and witness first hand the God of all creation...the God who is near to us, pursuing this family and this beautiful baby boy, as God continues to care for those who are unable to speak for themselves. It is beautiful and mind blowing that this same God who created the universe (that even the most intelligent astronomer is baffled by and cannot find the end to it's vastness) this same God is also called "God with us". He pursues us, He is also known as the "Redeemer", He is making all things new, Jesus said that he was sent to release the oppressed and care for the poor, to proclaim the year of the Lords favor (Jubilee). How amazing Jubilee is! And we get to celebrate...and we get to, not only celebrate in, but to actually participate in Jubilee!
Joshua coming home makes bringing our baby home even more real at this point, and I feel like a racehorse at the gate, ready to go.
The nursery is done, our hearts ready, but are confident that the "gate" that is holding us in is good and necessary, for God has not opened it yet. So, we will be patient and wait.


danielle said...

Thank you Julie. What you forgot to mention is that without you, we would have never known about Joshua. Thank you for the inspiration to pursue an adoption down a not so traveled path. We are so excited for you and can't wait to meet your child! Our prayers are with you!

SPRINK said...

ADOPTION! What a great word. The ability to take someone in as your own and love that person unconditionally.

Adoption, once you have experienced it you really understand the LOVE of God.