Monday, February 25, 2008

Adoption Update

Just wanted to give an update on our adoption...
We are in "waiting"...waiting on our orphan petition to be processed with the US immigration and waiting to get the "go ahead" to get our fingerprints at some mysterious location.
All of our paperwork is in the hands of the orpahnage, they said our profile looked "impressive"...that's good.
Please pray for who our future child will be. Pray as they are probably soon to be born. Pray for the mother of our child, she is probably in a really tough situation now, and probably has been for quite some time.
Bill and I are also in the process of looking for a home (the next step in baby process) in the broadripple area, pray for God to lead us where He wants us, we desire a close relationship with our neighbors. We are moving out of our apt at the end of May.
Please pray for the government in this process, that they would not be corrupt, pray for all of the care takers at the Jamma Letu Orphanage.
So, there is a spot open in the orpahnage for an infant, when that spot gets filled, we will receive a call and the babys profile, pictures, health record, etc. Please pray for our discernment in this, I believe 2 other families are waiting as well.
Please pray...


carol said...

Thanks for sharing this journey with us!

Kendra said...

So excited for you!