Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Arise, shine

So, in Septemberish of last year is when we really began to fast and pray over the adoption, our heads filled with many questions, we were asking God to reveal to us his desire for our adopt or not to adopt? local or international? If so, how will we pay for this? So, on the first day we had set aside to contend with God over these questions, here is a passage that was opened to us, and spoke to us...
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.
Nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your dawn.
Lift up your eyes and look about you: All assemble and come to you;
your son's come from afar and your daughters are carried on the arm
Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell for joy;
the wealth of the seas will be brought to you, and the riches of the nations will come...
Bringing your son's from afar, with their silver and gold,
to honor the Lord your God, the Holy one of Israel,
for He has endowed you with splendor." -Isaiah 60:1-5, 9

So, although there is much conflict, hunger and pain in the World, God has endowed His people with Splendor to bring peace and reconcilliation on earth. Bill and I realize we are not alone in this , rather, we are a part of a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a people belonging to God, we are all endowed with Splendor...What does that look like for all of us, even today, right now, what does that look like? So, as the people of God, may we all "Arise, shine, for our light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon us all."