Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Conference call tomorrow, HBO tonight

Join a Conference Call and Host a Screening of The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo
Conference Call
Join a conference call with filmmaker, Lisa F. Jackson; the Director of Public Policy at the Family Violence Prevention Fund, Kiersten Stewart; and ENOUGH Co-Chair, John Prendergast. The call will give you the opportunity to hear from the filmmaker and discover practical ways that you can end violence against women in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
WHEN: Wednesday, April 9th at 9:30 PM EDT
HOW: Call 1-866-682-6100 at 9:30 PM EDT and ask to be placed in "The Greatest Silence" Call
Learn more and sign up here
Home Screenings
Join hundreds of activists and viewers across the country to watch the PREMIERE of the HBO documentary, The Greatest Silence , a shocking exposé of a decade-old epidemic of kidnapping, rape and torture of women and girls in the civil war-torn DRC. ENOUGH, HBO, and our partners have teamed up to coordinate and organize house screenings across the U.S. to view and discuss the film together.
WHEN: Tuesday, April 8th at 10:00 PM EDT
Learn more and sign up here Learn More
Visit www.enoughproject.org to learn more about the crisis in eastern Congo and how you can help press for bolder international action to end the conflict.
Read the new ENOUGH Policy Standard for Congo. ENOUGH 's policy standards provide a short and sweet analysis of what the U.S. government is - and should - be doing to resolve these crises. For the latest on what is happening in eastern Congo, read ENOUGH's new report, Getting Serious about Ending Conflict and Sexual Violence in Congo .