Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Congolese Church in Indy

Today I visited a Congolese church in Castleton! Liz Bricken found it, since she is headed to the DRC with Wycliffe, and her and I were able to visit this morning. It was amazing, there were people from Zimbabwe, Uganda, the DRC and Jamacia. It was beautiful to meet them, worship with them and share a meal with them. We are excited about what God will do with our realtionship with them, plus, maybe they can teach me how to cook Congolese food!
It is cool, yet mysterious with how God is knitting so much together... a friend here in indianapolis is adopting from the same orpahnage in the DRC, Liz will be living in the DRC (we look forward to visiting her in the future), finding a Congolese Christian population and making Congolese friends. Very neat...
Yesterday I had coffee with my sister Jessica, and it was so very encouraging to talk with her about the adoption. She is very excited and I am excited to raise our children together...when she has her children too, of course! It was just so nice to dream with her about the future, she will be such an amazing aunt...


Jamie Hergott said...

that is so exciting, julie!!! I LOVE IT! :)