Friday, March 28, 2008

We found a home!!

Well, we found a home to move into! I will be posting pictures soon, so stay posted for those. It is in Broadripple, on Carrolton and 43rd. We already know many of our neighbors, from CG, we will be a mile from the new bldg and we are birthing our House Church! We are taking our mid towners and going to BR, and the west siders will continue meeting on the West side.
So, we will probably be moving at the end of May, this is when our apartment lease is up. The current residents are Common Grounders, and they have been so amazing to work with, and have blessed us already so much.
We are so thankful for all of you who are praying and supporting us in so many ways through this adoption. Bill and I are getting very excited, and the only new news is that we are moving, and the nursery is already done. We will probably be borrowing a crib and baby furniture from friends. God has powerfully moved financially as well.
We look forward to being parents, and dream together a lot about what it will be like. We have so many hopes and dreams, so many prayers for this little child and are thankful for this opportunity to be parents, and to have such an amazing family and community of people to raise our child with.
We will keep you all posted when a child is placed in the orpahange, please continue to pray for us, for this little one and the biological mother.


Unknown said...


I was browsing through my bookmarks on Mozilla and found your blog saved. I suppose another potential parent of a Jamma Letu child sent it to me for some reason but I can't remember who or why (unless I have already talked to you and I have just forgotten). Anyway, I returned from volunteering at CEJAL and a refugee camp in Lubumbashi this year and if you have any questions about the orphanage, the country, the kids, caregivers, ect. just let me know and I will fill you in on whatever I can.