Thursday, May 29, 2008

How you can help the victims in the DRC...

Congo Global Action is seeking your immediate action!
House Resolution 1227 has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives condemning the sexual violence occurring in the Democratic Republic of Congo and calling for the United States and the international community to demand an end to this cycle of violence. Contact your Member of Congress today and ask them to support the women of the DRC by becoming a co-sponsor of H.Res. 1227!

Introduced by Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) and co-sponsored by Congressman Brad Miller (D-NC), H.Res. 1227 calls on the U.S. Administration and international community to take the following actions towards addressing this issue:
Urges the United States Agency for International Development and international community to provide victims and potential victims of rape with greater assistance for health care services, psychological and social counseling, and legal advice;Calls on the government of the DRC to end the widespread sexual violence by holding all armed groups, including members of the Congolese armed forces and police, accountable for their actions;Calls on the UN Security Council to take immediate steps to ensure that the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in the Congo, MONUC, is fully funded to increase troop presence and deploy in areas where sexual violence is most prevalent.The Democratic Republic of Congo has been described as one of the worst places on earth to be a woman. Hundreds of thousands of women and girls have become victims of brutal rape, used as a tool of warfare. Please join concerned advocates around the country in ensuring that their voices are heard. We can help bring hope and peace to women in the Congo!
Please join Congo Global Action in thanking Congresswoman Maloney and Congressman Miller for bringing these atrocities to the attention of the United States Congress and demanding an end to the impunity that forces the women of Congo to live in fear.
Visit to find your Member of Congress and to write to your Member.
To learn more about H.Res. 1227, please visit

For more information on lobby activities, including talking points, sample letters, and advocacy toolkits please visit Thank you for your continued support!
In Peace,Your Friends at Congo Global


Ending Extreme Poverty in the Congo said...

It is REALLY IMPORTANT for every one to contact their US House Representative and ask them to be a cosponsor to House Resolution 1227.