Tuesday, May 27, 2008

we are moving tomorrow!

Well...Here, Bill and I find ourselves, moving...again. Our apartment lease is up this coming Sat, so we are renting a PODS for the next month or so and then moving in with Chris and Jenna Wilson, some friends of ours. Bill and I have moved 7 times in the past 6 years of marriage, so this is pretty routine! I actually appreciate it all, it keeps us from accumulating unnecessary things to fill our house with, and helps us live simply. Bill and I find a lot of humor in our current situation...we have been living out of boxes and suitcases for the past month and will go to living just out of suitcases for the next coming month. My cell phone broke and we sold our computer, so there is a small lack of communication with everyone, I am thankful for the Library, and it's free services! It is nice to be reminded that this life is about so much more than the things that make us "comfortable". We decided to only bring our air matress to Chris and Jenna's to continue to remember that this world is not our home and as a rememberance that earthly comforts are not what we should be seeking. Although, as we pursue thinking globally, we realize that the fact that there is food in our bellies, a roof over our heads, jobs and cars to drive...we are rich people, no matter what situation we find ourselvs in.
No new news on Baby Briley, just waiting. Moving into this new home will be the next step, and our orphan petition was processed, so we have a go with our government here in the US.
Please continue to pray for Baby Briley, it's mother and for Bill and I.
Whew! A moving we will go...