Saturday, June 21, 2008

We have a move date!

The past 3 weeks we have been living with the Wilsons, as many of you know, and we are sad to say we will be moving in about 9 days. It has been amazing living with them, there is something so unique and special about the Body of Christ, and we are so thankful for the community and our families that are in our lives, who are truly living out the greatest commandments, to love God with all that we are and to love others as we love ourselves.
It has been amazing to share life daily with one another, and to see Church lived out.
We do look forward to moving into our home (which we are renting from Common Grounders) where we will begin to get our nursery together and take some more steps toward bringing our baby home. We got all of our baby furniture from the Greiwes Estate sale and are excited to begin putting it all together. We really are so thankful for how everyone has been loving and supporting us in our adoption, it is beyond comprehension how everyone has been involved somehow, either through prayer, encouragement, financially, advise, housing, furniture...I could go on. Amazing!
So, it looks as thought we are moving sometime between June 28th and July 1st. And, we do not know who our child is yet, but the nursery is in an array of pastel colors, with a baby safari/jungle theme.
And so, the journey continues...