Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Whew a month has flown by! I am sitting in our new home! We moved in 3 weeks ago with tons of help from our house church and the Nevins house church...Wow, our community is amazing! We totaled how many times Common Grounders have moved us and we were delighted/grateful to see that some of you have helped us as many as 4 times in the past 3 1/2 years! We are also thankful for our family who has been so helpful and supportive, housing us at times and giving help wherever they can, doing more than they should...even if they are unable to walk...ahem...mom...
We got word that the woman we are working with from "Our Family Adoptions" is going over to the Jamma Letu orphanage the 1st week of Aug and will then tell the orphanage and the Lawyer there to open a spot for Baby Briley! She said our baby will likely come from a refugee camp or the hospital. Once our child is identified, it will take 3-6 months (depending on the Congolese government) to bring our baby home!
A couple of families are going over to the Congo to bring their children back in Sept, so if our child is identified by that time, we will be able to send pictures and voice recordings of us over so our baby can become familiar with us, and we could even have them take pics/videos of our baby.
Please be praying for who Baby Briley is, the next healthy infant that arrives will be ours. Also be praying for us as we prepare for parenthood, pray for the health of our baby as well as for others to begin to adopt out of this orphanage which is at capacity and could probably use more help to care for the children.
So begins nesting...


Jamie Hergott said...

such a blessing. :)

Alison said...

This brings tears to my eyes because I know how much this means to you guys and what amazing parents you will be. Very exciting!