Saturday, March 15, 2008

Im in Turkey

Well, I find myself in Turkey again, quite a suprise! *Which I don't mind, I have a strange love for this country. I am staying with Katie, Cora, Ella and Maddie while Brian in in the States. I flew out Thurs afternoon, and with much provision and protection from our Father, I made it through 2 planes, a metro, tram, boat, 2 taxis and getting dropped off at the wrong place for a couple of hours. I cried only once, tears of frusteration, as I found myself at the second mall, after being alone at the wrong destination for a couple of hours. I found myself twice in a foreign land seemingly lost withno cell phone, unable to speak the language, all of the signs in Turkish, and not a single person I asked could speak English. At the first mall, a security guard finally attempted to speak with me, and after I thought he was trying to kick me out of the mall because I seemed suspicious, he began to try to help me. We were able to call Katie and flag down another Taxi, which took me to the mall where she was. So, when I began looking for her (in the wrong place) for about 20 min, tears surely followed, as no one could speak English, and I just wanted to scream in public CAN ANYONE HELP ME!?!?
It was at this point, I found her, waiting with Maddie at the Store we had originally planned to meet. Ahhh...Turkey! I was excited about the adventure, and actually happy I was lost for a bit. What is adventure without a little twist in it all?